Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

punnent square (48)


gold (7,44)

44) gold or Au has an atomic mass of 196.97 has 79 protrons 79 electrons and 118 nuetrons and is a transition metal.

7)the type of atom is gold and the symbol is Au the atomic number is 79 its atomic mass is 196.97 it has 79 protons and electrons, it has 118 nuetrons.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

DNA (32)

32) The bonds i have are guanine to cytosine and thymine to adenine.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Meat (40)

40) Ribosomes produce protien which can be found in abundance in both meat and nuts.

Cardinals (70)

70) The Orting mascot's name classified to genius and species is "cardinalidae"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chlamydomonas (21,52)

21) chlamydomonas is a plant like protist because it has chlorophyl is a autotroph and undergoes photosynthesis.

52) protists maintain their homeostasis by their contractol vacuols taking in and releaseing the hypotonic solution to maintain an somwhat equalibrium. The active transport that goes on requires energy from the little protist the passive transport requires no energy.

Paremecia (22,51)

22) This is an animal like protist becaus it is an heterotroph it does not have any chlorophil and does not do photosynthysis it must consume other things to get energy.
51) The magnification was pre calculated at 400x.the name of the organism is paramecia.

Tortoise (43,47)

43) Mr. Charles Darwin saw that on the gollopacus islands that their were several different types of tortoises various distinctions between them made them each a different species of tortoise some had long nekcs and a saddle back shell while others had short necks and a more rounded shell. Charles Darwin btw is the author of The Theory of Aquired Chacteristics.

47) The phenotypes of theof the toroises were their sadle back shell and long necks vs the rounded shell and short necks.

Pea (35,46)

forgot my duck

35) A pea is the overy of a plant it is just a shell that when pollen or spores gets into it it turns into the pea and drops to the ground or gets consumed by an animal were it eventually gets burried and turns into a flower.

46) The reproductive part is the pea and the pea plant is the example in Gregor Mendel's orginal work. He used 7 charcteristics of the plant usesing a punnent square he tested the plants hieght, seed shape, pod color, pod shape, flower position, seed color, pea color.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sea Star (65)

65) Their are 3 forms of symmetry the most common symmetry so far is bilateral symmetry which is were their is one mirror image if an organism were to be cut in half one way. Radial symmetry is when an organism reflects itself multiple times over its body like a sea star. And the last form of symmetry is asymmetric which is the least common form and the organism has no symmetry.

X-Ray Fish (66)

66) X-Ray Fish are one of the few phylum chordata with a visible backbone. The four characteristics of a member of phylum chordata is they have to have a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, and a post anal tail.

Evolution (41,42)

41)the structure darwin needed was the DNA double helix it is vital because this shows the cytocromal c of most creatures and the relationship between them.

42) The six types of evidence supporting evolution are embryological evidence, vestigial organs, cytocromal c, biogeography, fossils , and homologous structures.

Chocolate (71)

71) phenylethylamine is a ingredient in chocolate. yes i realize this is not the original wrapper but it is the closest thing i have.

Amphibians (69)

69)a species of animals that has 3 chambered hearts are amphibians have this so they can change their oxygen needs for when they go underwater. An example of an amphibian with a three chambered heart would be a frog.

Amino Acid (5,61)

5) Alanine, is a substance composed of amino acids. biomolecules that are composed of amino acids are amino acids.

61) The sequence that coresponds to the provide sequence in terms of DNA is

Periodic Table (9)

9)this is the periodic table of elements that i edited to show the 4 types the orange represents the metals, the green represents the non-metals, the blue represents the lanthanoids, and the purple represents the anctinoids

Mushroom (8,30)

30) rough sketch of a yeast

8) Yeast is an fungi that carries out anerobic fermentation. This produces
ethanol this process recycles the NADH after glycolosis into NAD+ coenzyme which enables the glycolosis to once again continue.

phospholipid (2)

2) Fat or lipids would be found in the phospholipid bialayer as well as anytype of phospholipid

Cell (3,33,57)

3) 33)

3) The cell membrane is made up of phospholipids and the phospholipid bilayer.

57) Cells are limited in size becaus the greater surface area to volume the more nutrients and can be obsorbed and released.

Sugar (4,59)

4) Glucose is formed in the centeral vacule in plants it is formed through photosynthesis light CO2 and water are taken in O2 and sugar is given out. 6H2O+6CO2-->C6H12O6+6o2

59) Gluclose is produced by autotrophs and is used as energy for both autotrophs and heterotrophs. the energy of sucrose comes from the hydrogen and oxygen bonds.

Chlorophyl (10,14)

10) The name of this substance is chlorophil and it is the green pigment in microrganisms and plants that lets photosynthesis take place.

14) A Compound with at least three different elements is chlorophyl its chemicle formula isC55H72O5N4Mg

Connofer (24)

24) A gynosperm in washington would be a mandrone its batonical name would be "abrutus menziesii"

Plants (18)

18) A plant that has no roots at any stage in its life cycle would be a cuscuta this plant is a parasite that wraps itself like a vine around other plants.

Moss (26)

26) eurhynchium oreganum or oregon baked moss is an bryophyte

H2O (1,55)

1) H2O is a polar molecure that the hydrogens have a negative charge and the oxygens have a posotive charge.

55)H2O or water has high heat and surface tension the high heat is good because organisms need water to survive and if it had a low heat it would be a vopor and hard to enjest. the surface tension is good because to follows leaves and roots and tounges into the place were the animal can injest the liquid.

Ferns (27,56)

27) The lady fern or athyrium filix-femina is a fern common to washington state.

56) The xylem of the fern are in its innermost layer and the pkolem is underneath its outermost layer.

Lobsters (54,64,68)


54)the lobsters have the adaptation to enduce reflex amputation since they have an ability to feel little pain they can drop limbs and regenerate them back over time.

64) Coelem is when a cavity of an organism is completely lined with mesodermthese animals are called coelomates.

68) lobsters are a organism that contains teeth in its stomach. their function is to grind up the food a lobster injests. The medical term for teeth is dental the term for teeth in stomach is gastric mill.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Weinner Dogs (11,29,36,37,39,45)

11) My wienner dog carries out aerobic resperation i know this because he requires oxygen and air if i were to put him in a vacum im about 99% sure he would die. like humans he uses the oxygen in cellular respiration and aerobic respiration to help break down gluclose to produce energy. first he goes through glycolosis and produces 2 ATP and 2 NADH second he goes through the formation of acetyl coa this produces CO2 and the acetyl coa. Thirdly the poor pooch goes through Kreb's Cycle or The citric acid cycle this produces 2ATP FADH2 3NADH and some CO2 lastly the electron transport chain which produces 32-34 ATP

29)my wienner dog is amniotic organism i was their when he was born and i know their was aniotic fluids involved. Pretty grose. he was born in an amniotic sac and his mother had amniotic eggs this is significant because this sac protected my pooch from shriviling up and injury.

36) he is a living organism i know this because he is composed of cells, his DNA and body is organized specificly to his species needs, he uses energy and transforms it, if i feed him too much he gets fat so he has growth, and im pretty sure he can reproduce.

37)he is a animal that has duetersome developement i know this because he has a mouth at one end of his body and an anal pore at the other. Duetersome is an animal that has an mouth at one end and an anus at the other.

39)My wienner dog's rib cage is a structure that provides support to his vertabrate and helps protect his various organs. his vertabrate is that of a mammal he is a mammal because he does not lay eggs is warm blooded born alive and has alot of fur.

45) my wienner dog is a multicellular organism as he is made up of organized tissues and organs. a multicellular organism is an organism that guess what is made up of multiple cells.